For those who attended our conference…

As a special treat for attendees of our 2023 conference, we are offering a contest based on the writing prompt you received in your goodie bag at the conference. You must have attended the 2023 conference to be able to enter this contest.

Entry fee: $5.00

Deadline: Must be postmarked by 12/31/2023

Prize: $25 and free admission to 2024 WCCW Conference

Write a short story, essay, or poem based on the prompt you received. Any length up to 1200 words maximum. You must return your prompt with your entry. Include a cover sheet with your name, contact information, and the title of your entry.

No identifying information to be included on the entry. Entries will be blind judged.

Mail entries to:
WCCW, c/o Kim Vernon
PO Box 444
Pangburn, AR 72121

Don’t forget to include your $5.00 entry fee and your prompt card. No entries will be returned.

The winner will be announced at the January WCCW monthly meeting and posted on website shortly afterwards.


The winner of our Winter Story Prompt Contest is Shirley Howard. Her entry Mushroom Madness was awarded 1st Place. She received a certificate, a cash prize of $25, and free registration to our 2024 Conference.
Her prompt was:
“You’re lost in the woods, starving. Without thinking,
you eat a weird mushroom you found. What happened?”
Her story was entertaining and well written. Thank you to everyone who entered our contest!