Drabble Tips

Drabble Tips

To follow up on a recent post, here are a few more Drabble tips to consider.

Actually, Don Money is the award-winning Drabble expert in our group. His notes from our last meeting, as well as an earlier post on this topic, offer a great deal of help.

In my further Drabble-related reading and research, and my own tentative attempts at writing one, I’ve uncovered some clues that may help you take your first steps into this unique literary form.

Some of the following suggestions mirror what we’ve posted here before. but a little repetition never hurt anyone.

Tips for Writing an Effective Drabble

1. Nail Down your Big Idea.
Whether it’s a point of conflict, or poignant moment, or a seemingly random snapshot of your character’s life — your concept must be concise and clear from the beginning.

2. Focus on a Single Moment.
This is no place for sprawling plots. Don mentioned this in our last meeting: there’s no room here for side quests. Zoom in on a single scene; highlight one pivotal event.

3. Imply More Than You Say.
The best drabbles suggest depth beyond what is written. Subtext enables the reader’s imagination to fill in the gaps. Hints, allusions, and strategically placed details make the story feel bigger than its word count.

4. Aim for Impact.
The ending must leave the reader satisfied. Whether your story serves to surprise, provoke, or affirm the reader’s worldview, the final line needs to make its mark.

5. Review It Aloud.
The rhythm of your writing matters more than you may realize. Prose cannot be choppy and ragged. Your words need to flow like a stream. Taking the time to read your story aloud ensures that your writing is smooth, balanced, and clear.

As a reminder, our March 24 meeting will be a Drabble read around. We invite to bring a Drabble you’ve written and share it with the group. Be sure to read the notes from our last meeting. It will also help to look at these sample Drabbles.

Steve May
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