We are White County Creative Writers

WCCW is a friendly and outgoing writers group made up of poets, novelists, children’s writers, bloggers, journalists, non-fiction writers — representing every imaginable genre. We are located in Searcy Arkansas, but our community reaches around the world.

We offer resources for writers everywhere: a weekly blog, monthly newsletter, an annual writers conference, dozens of writing contests each year, and we meet together each month.

New eBook Published by WCCW  

Eight award-winning authors, all members of White County Creative Writers, share tales of adventure in the American frontier in this outstanding collection of historical fiction set in the 19th century.

Tales of the Western Trail reflects the strength and resilience of the men and women who lived in that time, and the struggles they often faced.

This volume is available at Amazon and other eBook outlets.

Come To Our Next Meeting: March 24, 2025

White County Creative Writers

2025: We have a new location and a new meeting night. 

We had a wonderful meeting in February, with 28 people present. The program was led by Don Money, a presentation of the fine art of the writing a Drabble. (A short story consisting of exactly 100 words.) Can you guess what next month’s assignment will be? That’s it! Bring a drabble you’ve written to read to the group.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 24, 2025. As a reminder, we now meet on the 4th Monday of each month, and we have a new location: First Community Bank in Searcy, 800 E Beebe Capps Expressway. (Between Dairy Queen and Pizza Hut). As soon as you pull into the parking lot you’ll see our meeting room.

We’ll be posting instructions and samples of drabble content in the coming weeks to help you prepare your content for next month’s meeting.

If you live anywhere near Central Arkansas, we invite you to come! We look forward to seeing you!


White County Creative Writers Conference 2025

The 30th Annual White County Creative Writers Conference  is scheduled for June 14, 2025. It will be at the White County Extension Service Building in Searcy Arkansas. The conference will feature two top-notch speakers. What a great opportunity this will be to connect with other writers while learning more about your craft. More details coming very soon!

The Creative Writer Newsletter

White County Creative Writers Group NewsletterThe March 2025 issue is now available for download.

Each month WCCW Press Secretary Del Garrett prepares a group newsletter for easy download offering news and updates of all WCCW activities, writers group news, as well as additional information of interest to all who are passionate about living the writing life.

You can download the most recent newsletter by clicking the link below.

Click here for a complete list of newsletters

The Write Way blog for Writers

Check out our blog!

WCCW has a blog especially for writers.  It’s called The Write Way.  Members of our group post articles on anything and everything related to the writing process: seeking inspiration, tips & techniques, improving your craft, finding your voice, and more. Click here to read our newest post.

About the White County Creative Writers Group

Since our inception in 1995, the White County Creative Writers group has had but one goal:  improving our craft. In this process, we have discovered that there are no rules! What challenges one member may come easy to another; what some have questions about, others furnish answers. That’s what makes this group work.

We have invited educators, authors, publishers and editors to speak to the group, formed critique groups, had members share learning experiences from other groups or workshops they have attended, and discussed what works and doesn’t work for each of us.

Over the years, some of the beginners have become masters, and the students have become the teachers. Each year brings new members who come with one simple question: “What can help make me a better writer?”

WCCW has undertaken such community projects as an annual poetry reading in celebration of National Poetry Day, writing contests for students in White County and an open challenge to groups and citizens of White County to raise funds for the public library.

Read more about how we began.