Get to know us!
WCCW members are an enthusiastic group of people of all ages, from all over — even outside of Arkansas — who share a passion for writing and love the company of other writers.
We get together once a month (the 3rd Monday of each month) to discuss writing and share ideas. (Of course, you don’t have to be a member to come to a meeting. Our meetings are open to everyone!)
Membership is easy, and costs only $12 per year. If you would like to know more about becoming a member, send us a message and we’ll send you the details.
Create Your Profile Page
WCCW MEMBER: Did you know our website offers you a member’s page?
If you are a current member of White County Creative Writers group and would like your own page, send a message to
Send your bio, a picture, and we’ll update your page. You may also provide links to your own website, blog, Facebook or Twitter accounts and we’ll make sure those direct links are posted on your page!
Officers for 2024
President: Anthony Wood
Vice President/Webmaster: Steve May
Treasurer: Kim Vernon Rodgers
Secretary: Lisa Lindsey
Press Agent: Del Garrett
Conference Chairman: Rhonda Roberts
Contest Coordinator: Dot Hatfield / Shirley Howard