Melinda LaFevers is a poet, a writer, a performing artist, a teacher, and a historical interpreter. She is on the Arkansas Arts in Education residency artist and Arts on Tour rosters with two programs, Life in a Castle and Life in a Log Cabin. She trains teachers with Arkansas A+, a philosophy of education that believes the arts are crucial to how students learn and how teachers should be teaching.
She writes primarily in the speculative fiction area; fantasy, steam-punk, para-normal, horror, and alternate history. She also writes a semi-regular column on the traditional and modern use of herbs for The Renaissance Magazine.
Her first non-fiction book, Meditations of a Hoarder, was brought out by Yard Dog Press in 2015. She believes that learning new things helps keep your brain alive.
Her favorite quote is “Build your castles in the air. That is where they belong. Now — build the foundations.”